
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tragic Munoz Case Prompts New Texas Law that Would Protect Baby When Mom is on Life Support

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Austin, TX - When 33-year old Marlise Munoz suddenly collapsed in her Texas home in November 2013, she was 14 weeks pregnant with her second child."Still alive," she was rushed to John Peter Smith Hospital in Ft. Worth. There she was put on life support where she remained for two months.

Thus began a legal struggle between the hospital and the Munoz family that prompted a national debate on whether families have the right to order a hospital to "pull the plug" on pregnant women on life support if it means killing the pre-born baby as well.

Friday, Texas State Representative Matt Krause introduced HB 1901, the Unborn Child Due Process Act, which would further clarify a legal provision in the Texas Advanced Directives Act that currently prohibits anyone from withdrawing or withholding life-sustaining treatment from a pregnant patient. The bill would allow the state to appoint an attorney ad litem "to represent the unborn child's interests" in cases where "the life-sustaining treatment of a pregnant patient is at issue."

Continue reading here to learn more and find out about an opposing bill and what it would do, if passed!

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