
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Upcoming Events for 40 Days For Life in West Chester, PA

From Paulette Matthews
40 Days for Life Coordinator, West Chester, PA 

  1. Midway Prayer and Praise Service - Saturday, March 14, 2015
  2. Public Prayer & Witness - Thursday, March 19, 2015
  3. Feast of the Annunciation - Wednesday, March 25, 2015
  4. Closing of 40 Days for Life with Stations of the Cross at PP - Sunday, March 29, 2015
  5. Spiritual Adoption Program
Thank you for staying faithful to your prayers for the unborn during this "Spring" 40 Days for Life Campaign. Because of the dangerous cold, you may have had to missed your vigil hours in front of Planned Parenthood which is very understandable by all.

There are so many secular aspects that cause the blessing of a child to be seen more as a burden than a gift from God that we have also set aside 2 special days of prayer. God has blessed you with a Holy Discontent which has spurred you to help those in need to understand God's plan for them more fully. Invite others to join you so that they too may become closer to God by helping to spread God's love and joy.

 Midway Prayer and Praise Service

Thomas Ackerman will lead us in prayer and praise.

Thomas was born in Yeshua (Jesus) ten years ago and is a member of a traditional Baptist Church. He remains faithful to his Jewish faith by keeping Jewish feast days and liturgy in his home. Thomas has worked in the ministry for several years and has participated in 40 Days for Life Campaigns also in Washington, DC and the Philadelphia area. Thomas is dedicated to on going Pro-life work as well as being a force of reform and restoration in the church through his group, "The Holiness of the Bride",
Jenny (Xinwen in Chinese) was born in South China. Thomas and Jenny was married five years ago in a Messianic Jewish ceremony in Canton. They have been blessed with two amazing children. Last year his youngest child was called back to the Lord due to a serious heart defects.

Jenny is a Christian homemaker, leads an Awana children's Bible group and is Thomas' interpreter when he ministers to Chinese speaking people.

Jason Sweet and Ann Marie Nabieu will accompany Thomas and Jenny in their service of prayers and praise.

Public Prayer & Witness

All men, especially, the Knights of Columbus and Kings Men are invited to come and pray for an hour in front of Planned Parenthood on the feast day of St. Joseph. Many babies are destroyed when men turn away from their roles as husbands and fathers. Come and pray in front of Planned Parenthood giving public example that men care and accept the responsibility of fatherhood. Please e-mail me the hours you plan on witnessing for the children to the community as my husband and I try to fill in the hours that are not taken that day.

   March 25th Feast of the Annunciation 8 AM to 8 PM & Spiritual Adoption 

The Annunciation holds great significance for Christians. Exactly nine months before Christmas, it signals the start of God's plan of salvation. Jesus, our Redeemer in the womb, took on all aspects of our humanity: childhood, adulthood and death. There is no better time to spiritually adopt a child in thanksgiving for all that Jesus has done for you (see Spiritual Adoption Program below). Consider starting your 9 month prayer journey with your little one right in front where they die at PP.

Closing of 40 Days for Life with Stations of the Cross at PP - Sunday, March 29,  2015 


Our Lord suffered and died to make reparation for the sins of humanity. Consequently, the devotions to the Stations of the Cross is most appropriate to said in front of Planned Parent where the shedding of innocent blood is practiced.

Christ was crucified because he was born the son of God; these children are sacrificed because they were conceived. In so many ways, we are all victim of abortion.

Each Palm Sunday, we bring a Cross down in front of Planned Parenthood and reflect on the Crucifixion of Christ.

This hour of pray is very accepted by the people passing by as it puts Easter in its true perspective. We encourage you to bring your children with you as we ask the children to participate in the reading of the stations. Who better to lead us than the children.

Spiritual Adoption Program

Every day over 4,000 babies are killed by abortion. They have so little protection only the hand of God can end this massacre. Prayer is the best weapon to help them-the most effective.

Please pray! The babies are counting on us.

Remember to pray daily for your spiritual adopted baby and the baby's parents. During your earthly life this spiritually adopted child of yours is known only to God, but in the world to come it is hoped that you will meet the child whose life was spared by your prayers and spend eternal happiness with them. This prayer will make a difference between life and death for a special child.

Daily Prayer to Spiritually adopt an unborn child

Heavenly Father,
Thou hast given us the gift of freedom
to love and to follow in Thy ways and commands.
Some parents choose to abuse this freedom
by destroying the gift of life
which Thou hast given to their offspring.
Please forgive those who destroy human life
by aborting their unborn babies.
Give these unborn children the opportunity
to enjoy Thee for all eternity,
if it according to Thy ordinance.
Assist me in being one in solidarity with Thy little ones
by taking to heart the words of Thy Son,
"whatever you did for one of these least brothers of Mine,
you did for Me." (Mt. 25:40)
Therefore, allow me today, Father,
to adopt spiritually an unborn child
and to offer my prayers, works,
joys and sufferings for that little one,
so that child will be able to be born and live
for Thy greater honor and glory.
We pray this in Jesus' name,
in union with the Holy Spirit one God forever and ever.

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