
Monday, April 6, 2015

Holy Week Prayer Vigils in SE Pennsylvania a Hugh Success!

Over the years, pro-life advocates have held prayer vigils at local abortion facilities every year during Holy Week. It's a time of prayer and public witness. A time to remind the members of our communities of the horror taking place inside these killing centers while they go about their daily routines. It's a time when we remember the ultimate sacrifice that Our Lord made for all of us, both born and unborn.

Below is some information on some of the vigils that took place during Holy Week in Southeast Pennsylvania.

Holy Thursday


Rita Smith, M.E.V. (Missionaries of the Gospel of Life)
Campaign Director, 40 Days for Life/Norristown

Thank you to all of you who had participated in the Station's of the Cross at Norristown's Planned Parenthood on Holy Thursday!

Praise God!!! A couple this am did not go into PP and thanks to Kathy Sobocinski's sidewalk counseling they decided to keep their precious baby!!! A total of 6 babies saved since Ash Wednesday!!!

Picture above was taken by a deathcort at this center. Let's keep praying for the conversion of the worker's and staff at this abortion mill.

Good Friday

Center City Philadelphia 


From Mickey Kelly

 Nearly 100 people prayed outside of Planned Parenthood in Center City on Good Friday. Among them  were a group of young boys and girls high school age that took time out of their Easter break to do the Holy Week outreach in Philadelphia.

These students are part of a group called Legionnaires of Christ they were doing a mission to proclaim the Gospel of Life to the homeless and to those going into the abortion facility at Planned Parenthood. 

The purpose of the outreach was to make people aware that they must help everyone regardless of where you are in life. The best thing these kids did was to greet people with a smile and pray for each and every one of them. 

Northeast Philadelphia 

(Pictured above is Pat Dowling addressing a protest rally in May of 1986 before the opening of the Northeast Women's Center abortion facility).
From Betty Maier

Approximately 70 people were in attendance at the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday at the Comly Road Planned Parenthood. Along with the Stations, the Novena Chaplet of Divine Mercy was prayed.

Among the many who attended, were three Priests, a Monsignor and two Deacons, as well as a few of the pro-life warriors who have attended daily prayer vigils since this place first opened it's doors as the Northeast Women’s Center in 1986. 


From Sandy Slater

In the rain we had great numbers, (approximately 180). But daily throughout the year we fall short on vigils. On Good Friday, there were about 22 women who kept their appointment to kill their baby. More vigilance and prayer could cut down on this "average" number of abortions at this location. No formal invitation is needed. Please feel free to go to pray in front of PP, Warminster, in particular any day and any hour of the week but especially on Fridays.

Around the country abortion clinics are closing because they do not meet or are in violation of the requirements of other ambulatory surgical facilities and the vigils. The number of abortion clinics available are fewer from approximately 2200 in the '90's to just over 549 currently. 

It would be great to think that this trend is because more crisis pregancy care centers are available and that more women are choosing life after they find out the care that the crisis pregnancy care centers give them.

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