
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

In Support of Archbishop Cordileone

John-Henry Westen, Editor-in-Chief

After a group of wealthy, liberal San Francisco Catholics shamefully attacked Archbishop Cordileone with a huge ad published in a local newspaper last week, I realized that we need to do even MORE to defend the good archbishop! I know you share this desire.

That’s why LifeSite is partnering with faithful local Catholics in the San Francisco archdiocese to fund and publish a full-page response ad in the San Francisco Chronicle featuring a new “open letter” THANKING Pope Francis for the great gift of Archbishop Cordileone.

However, in order to make this project a reality, we urgently need you to do TWO things, right now:
1) Donate whatever you can (even if just $10!) to help cover the $30,000 cost of running a full-page ad in The San Francisco Chronicle.  So far, over 53,000 people have signed our petition to support the archbishop. I’m confident that we can EASILY cover the cost of the ad, if everybody pitches in with even a few dollars! 100% of the donations received will go to fund the publication of the open letter. If we raise more than is needed to publish the ad, the remainder will be donated to the archdiocese.

2) Sign the open letter to Pope Francis and then share it with everyone you know! We especially need Catholics located in the San Francisco archdiocese (which includes the San Francisco, San Mateo and Marin counties) to sign the letter. Their names will appear below the letter in the newspaper. Then please share the letter with everyone you know!
I don't know about you, but I was outraged when I saw the ad by the self-styled "prominent" Catholics, who had the gall to ask Pope Francis to replace Archbishop Cordileone, simply because he is courageously defending Catholic teachings.

We cannot let a minority of out-spoken liberal Catholics have the last word, and create the false impression that Catholics in general oppose the leadership of Archbishop Cordileone.

However, unlike the small group of self-described “prominent” Catholics, we don’t have any large donors funding this ad. We have YOU.

So please, make a donation to help San Francisco archdiocesan Catholics publish their "open letter" defending the good archbishop.

Again, 100% of all donations received will go to help cover the $30,000 cost of running the full-page ad.

We can't led the enemies of Archbishop Cordileone have the last word. The"open letter" from San Francisco Catholics is a powerful testament to the love that local Catholics have for their archbishop. Help us get that letter published by donating to cover the costs of the ad today!

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