
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Major Food Corporations Still Using Tissue from Aborted Babies to Manufacture Flavor Additives in Processed Foods

from Christian Patriots

(NaturalNews) Every time you purchase mass-produced processed “food” from the likes of Kraft, PepsiCo, or Nestle, you’re choosing, whether you realize it or not, to feed your family not only genetically engineered poisons and chemical additives, but also various flavoring agents manufactured using the tissue of aborted human babies.

It’s true: A company based out of California, known as Senomyx, is in the business of using aborted embryonic cells to test fake flavoring chemicals, both savory and sweet, which are then added to things like soft drinks, candy and cookies. And Senomyx has admittedly partnered with a number of major food manufacturers to lace its cannibalistic additives into all sorts of factory foods scarfed down by millions of American consumers every single day.

Known as “HEK-293,” the aborted human fetal cell line used by Senomyx is manipulated to evaluate how the human palate will react to synthetic flavors used in the production of processed foods. Since most processed foods on the market today are hardly food to begin with, and typically lack any real flavor or appeal on their own, chemical companies like Senomyx are hired to develop artificial ones (which are often deceptively labeled as “natural flavors”) in order to make them taste like real food.

But because these ingredients can be legally disguised with vague descriptors like “artificial flavors” and even “natural flavors,” most consumers have no idea that these additives, in some cases, are actually made using the cell tissue of unborn babies that were murdered through abortion. It’s sickening but true, and people must learn the truth in order to avoid partaking in says amounts to a satanic ritual.

continue reading at

Note: I know we all wrote to Pepsico, Inc. about their continued use of cells from aborted babies in testing a while ago and several of us heard back from them saying they stopped doing this (see blog here posted in April of 2012 from Friends of Liberty blog on this).  Apparently, they haven't stopped. 

I think it's time for a national boycott of Pepsico, Inc.; Kraft/Cadbury Products; and Nestle products until they all stop using Senomyx. 

Please print out the list of all the products using these chemicals in the link above  and post on your refrigerators  so you know what not to purchase.

I would also suggest we contact these corporations (see info below) to let them know we will no longer purchase their products until they stop doing business with Senomyx.

Pepsi Corporate Office Headquarters
700 Anderson Hill Road
Purchase, New York 10577 USA
Corporate Phone Number: 1-914-253-2000
Fax: 1-914-253-2070
Customer Service Number: 1-800-433-2652

Kraft Foods Corporate Office Headquarters
Three Lakes Drive
Northfield, IL 60093-2753 USA
Corporate Phone Number: 1-847-646-2000
Fax Number: 1-847-646-6005
Customer Service Number: 1-877-535-5666

Nestle USA Corporate Office & Headquarters
800 North Brand Boulevard Floor 16
Glendale CA 91203
Nestle USA corporate phone number: (818) 549-6000

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