
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Pro-Life Action League in Court April 27th Fighting Planned Parenthood‏ in Aurora, Illinois

Prayers Requested!

Eric Scheidler, Executive Director
Pro-Life Action League

On Monday I'm going to be in state court in Illinois, fighting to have Planned Parenthood's huge abortion clinic in the city of Aurora shut down.

Planned Parenthood opened this massive "Abortion Fortress" back in 2007, after a long and deliberate campaign of lies and deception.

Aside from creating a front company to hide their identity, Planned Parenthood built their abortion center in an area where not-for-profit health centers are forbidden.

In other words, Planned Parenthood has been operating their Aurora, Illinois, abortion clinic ILLEGALLY for more than seven years.

I filed my lawsuit to shut them down on the very day they opened.Planned Parenthood has used every stall tactic available, and the case has dragged on ever since.

But on MONDAY, the case finally goes before the Illinois State Court of Appeals for a hearing. This could be HUGE.

Unborn, can I count on your prayers Monday as my attorneys go before the court to argue our case?

If we prevail with this case, Planned Parenthood's flagship facility in Illinois would be shut down for good!

Please pray that my attorneys argue with skill, that the justices on the court judge wisely, and that Planned Parenthood's lawyers will be confused and bewildered.

We'll be before the court at 8:30 a.m. Central time, and it would mean a great deal to me and my legal team to know that you're lifting our case up to the Lord.

Thanks for your support during this important hearing.

About the Pro-Life Action League

The Pro-Life Action League was founded by Joseph M. Scheidler in 1980 with the aim of saving unborn children through non-violent direct action.

We are doing all we can to stop the killing and the exploitation. Some of our key activities are:

  • Abortion Clinic Presence
  • Public Protest
  • Confronting the Abortionists
  • Promoting and Defending Activism
  • Broadcasting the Pro-Life Message
  • Youth Outreach 
For more information on the Pro-Life Action League, use this link.

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