
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Pro-life Activists to Hold a Second Demonstration at Speaker Boehner’s Office on May 7th

Calling for the Ban of All Abortions After 20 Weeks‏

From Operation Rescue 

WASHINGTON, DC — On May 7 activist leaders of 11 local and national pro-life groups will hold a second protest at House Speaker John Boehner’s office, when they will present him with a life-size model of a 20-week-old African-American preborn baby – a physical reminder of the babies whose lives hang in the balance while the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act languishes in Congress.

This protest follows one held at the Speaker’s office on March 25, in which eight pro-life activists were arrested for peacefully kneeling in front of his office.

Now, at the three-month mark following the Republican House Leadership’s cancellation of their promised vote on the 20-week abortion ban, leaders of pro-life activist groups stand united with leaders of national pro-life policy groups to urge a rescheduled vote.

Yesterday those policy groups released a joint statement ( urging passage of this bill, which, as they noted, “protects women and their unborn children after 20 weeks, or 5 months of pregnancy, from painful and dangerous late-term abortions. It is a simple, compassionate proposal supported by a large majority of Americans, including women and young people.”

Our protest will be held on Thursday, May 7, at 12:00 P.M. at the Longworth House Office building.

Activists will hold a news conference outside of Longworth and then move to Speaker Boehner’s office at 1011 Longworth.

The pro-life groups plan to show pictures of abortion victims and fetal models of children aged 20 weeks. The groups include:

  • CEC For Life
  • Christian Defense Coalition
  • Citizens for a Pro-Life Society
  • Defend Life
  • Issues4Life Foundation
  • Operation Rescue
  • Maryland Coalition for Life
  • Pro-Life Action League
  • Pro-Life Action Ministries
  • Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust

Contact: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, 540-538-4741; Jill Stanek, 815-274-2744; Troy Newman, 316-841-1700 for more information 

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