
Sunday, May 31, 2015

ACTION ITEM: Say NO to Hillary Clinton!‏

From Steven Ertelt, Editor

Abortion activist Hillary Clinton has announced her bid for the Democratic party nomination for president and she is almost certainly going to become the party’s nominee to keep the White House in pro-abortion hands.

For the pro-life movement and the protection of unborn children from abortion, we MUST replace pro-abortion President Barack Obama with a pro-life president. It would be a monumental loss for unborn babies if Hillary Clinton becomes president. Abortion could stay legal for DECADES more if Hillary can stack the Supreme Court with even more abortion activists.

If she is elected president, Hillary Clinton will continue to advance abortion at every turn. A President Hillary Clinton for four or even eight years in the White House will result in millions of abortions on tiny, helpless unborn babies.

Hillary Clinton will force Americans to pay for abortions with our tax dollars, she will push abortion on an international scale, and a Clinton administration would continue pushing abortion in Obamacare and forcing Christian companies like Hobby Lobby to pay for abortions for their employees.

We need your help TODAY to stand up against Hillary Clinton.


After you sign the petition, please support with a donation to help us reach thousands of pro-life people with this petition so we can keep building a grassroots network of pro-life people to stop Hillary Clinton!

LifeNews needs your help today to speak up for unborn babies brutally killed in abortions. Can you please send a donation  so we can speak up for tiny defenseless babies?

If you have the ability, a donation of $250 or $500 or even $1,000 would go a long way to ensuring LifeNews can reach as many pro-life people as possible with this petition before the House votes. Thank you for everything you have done to help LifeNews speak up for babies who have no voice of their own.

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