
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

"Behold Your Mother"

by Jewels Green
This article first appeared in the Pro-Life Union of Grater Philadelphia's "Mother's Day Edition" newsletter. It is reprinted here with permission by the author.
The words spoken by Our Lord from the cross to His beloved disciple John, blessed all of humanity with the gift of Our Lady as mother to us all. It is to her we must look for guidance when reaching out to the mothers in need in our own communities.

As a terrified, vulnerable, and impressionable pregnant teenager, I did not fit the ideal vision of motherhood. However, when I learned I was pregnant at 17, I desperately wanted to keep my baby. Looking back on that fateful day, I wish that I had met selfless souls reaching out to me to encourage me to choose life - both for my baby and for myself. Lacking the strength and spiritual resolve to fight for my baby's life, I succumbed to the pressure to have an abortion.

My abortion instantly haunted me as grief and guilt overwhelmed me. I attempted suicide a few weeks after my abortion. I felt almost no gratitude at surviving and while recovering in the hospital, I decided to bury my emotions and sought solace in the welcoming arms of the pro-choice movement. I got a job at an abortion center.

Working at an abortion facility was not in my plan, but my years there helped assuage my own crushing remorse as I found myself surrounded by people who thought abortion was a legitimate - even laudable option. I counseled women, held their hands during their abortions and visited them in the recovery room, always avoiding the glaring truth that the sole purpose of our connection was to ensure the death of her child. All the while, I was missing my baby, knowing what I did was wrong, knowing I would never have another abortion, yet still maintaining that abortion was alright for others.

After leaving the abortion industry and becoming pro-life, I found myself eager to help pregnant mothers - eager to lead them away from death and toward life. I've seen many tactics fail, but peaceful and prayerful witnesses succeed.

When we are reaching out to women outside of abortion center, in pregnancy resource centers, in our families and in our workplaces, we must never lose sight of their motherhood. These women are already mothers - and if Christ resides in each of us through the Holy Spirit, then these women, too, are Our Mother and we are honor-bound to treat her with respect, compassion and love.

Pray for the strength, patience, and fortitude to connect with abortion-determined mothers to offer them practical and spiritual assistance with compassion. Treat her with the love you have for Our Blessed Mother, treat her as you would Christ - for whatsoever you do to the least of His people, that you did unto Him.

If you are pregnant and looking for help, please use this resource link for the northeast/southeast Pennsylvania areas and central and southern New Jersey. This link also includes resources for post-abortion counseling in these areas for both women and men.

For all other areas, please use this resource link to find help.

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