
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Congress Schedules Vote on Pain Capable Bill the Day after Pro-Lifers Protest on Capitol Hill

From Eric Scheidler, Executive Director
Pro-Life Action League

Last week I gathered with pro-life leaders from around the country to call congress to vote on HR 36, the 20 week abortion ban.

And guess what -- IT WORKED. Congress will be voting on the bill this Wednesday!

Find out all about the protest -- including video with my remarks on the Pro-Life Action League's website using this link 

I'll be writing again soon about next steps to ensure this important bill PASSES in the House of Representatives. Stay tuned. Meanwhile, I want to thank you for all your prayers and encouragement on this important step towards the day when ALL abortions are outlawed in our nation. 

Please contact your Member of Congress and urge them to Vote Yes on H.R. 36. You can find the email address for your Member of Congress here. 
 You can also reach your Member of Congress by calling the Capitol Switchboard at 1-202-224-3121 and providing your town, state and zip code.

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