
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Every Life is a Gift

Will you Encourage Moms of Kids with Down Syndrome?‏

from Jeanne Mancini, President
March for Life

Did you mark your calendar? This Sunday, May 10, is Mother’s Day and we need your help to honor moms and the beauty of motherhood!

Our Give Life Challenge for the month of May is to encourage moms raising kids with special needs! Would you sign a heartening card for moms of children with Down Syndrome?

We have been sharing the message that “Every Life is a Gift” for the 2015 March for Life, and we have specifically been focusing on the special babies that are diagnosed with a fetal abnormality, such as Down Syndrome. Tragically, children with a poor prenatal diagnosis are aborted at a rate of approximately 85%. Thankfully, many moms and families resist pressure from doctors or society to abort, and give birth to precious children that, although they may face medical or development challenges, are a beautiful gift to this world.

Your signature on our inspiring Mother’s Day card will carry on the 2015 March for Life theme that “every life is a gift.” It will be an encouragement to countless moms of children with Down Syndrome and work to erase the perception that moms who deliver babies with Down Syndrome should be told “I’m sorry” rather than “congratulations!”

Click  on the image below to see and sign the card!


Thank you for joining with us this month, and all year in sharing the pro-life message that “every life is a gift.” We can live out this message by encouraging and supporting moms and families who embrace the culture of life. Be sure to check out our website which is filled with resources for moms and parents of children with special needs. And thank you, Unborn, for signing our inspirational Mother’s Day Card – you are making a difference!


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