
Sunday, May 10, 2015

One Day At A Time Mom

by Rachel Rousseau-Erlichman 

You're a little girl and dream about having a baby. One day, sometimes after hours of hard work, after nine months of cuddling and nurturing your baby, you are handed a wrinkled looking being who you instantly fall in love with. Your life is never the same. You will always have another person to worry about....and you do it over and over and over. You change thousands of diapers, go to dozens of doctors' visits, you teach them to walk, swim, bike ride, play ball, roller blade, the abc's, numbers and colors. You read to them and hug and kiss them good night. You stand over cribs and beds and worry about them. You do homework with them. You take them to music lessons and sports practices and games. You take them to bar and bat mitzvah lessons or whatever lessons are required within your religious practice. They graduate kindergarten and 8th grade and they're on to high school. They go to dances and proms and sweet 16's and before you know it, you're sitting with them reviewing college selections. With excitement but sadness you help pack them up and drive them where they will enter the collegiate world. I doubt there are greater cheerleaders than mothers. Happy Mother's Day to all of you who have been devoted, loving, caring mothers. It's not always evident, but they know they were blessed when God placed their souls in your care. Treasure the day....treasure the memories.

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