
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Secret Ohio Department of Health Docs Reveal 47 Horrific Botched Abortions,

Countless Safety Violations and More

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

[Note: Most links in this article will take the reader to never-before published records received from the Ohio Department of Health. Those documents are archived at]

Columbus, OH -- Ohio recently made headlines with reports that half the abortion clinics in that state have closed and several others have curtailed services, reducing abortion numbers to the lowest since 1976.

"When abortion clinics close, abortions decline and lives are saved. It's as simple as that," said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and co-author with Cheryl Sullenger of the book Abortion Free. "We have worked in Ohio on a number of projects in cooperation with local leaders that, in part, contributed to this decline, but more must be done."

Newman notes that there is great cause for concern regarding hazardous conditions and practices at the Ohio abortion clinics that are still open.

Operation Rescue has released a new special investigative report detailing deteriorating conditions and horrific injuries at Ohio's eight remaining abortion facilities.

The report is based on secret records from the Ohio Department of Health that have never before been made public, that show that at least 47 abortion-related medical emergencies or complications took place at the eight abortion clinics since 2011, including the abortion-related death of a 22-year old African-American woman named Lakisha Wilson.

The documents also detail an alarming laundry list of life-threatening safety hazards at those same abortion facilities.

"Abortion complications and horrendous conditions as detailed in these documents are not confined to Ohio abortion clinics. We see these kinds of things in every state," said Newman. "Ohio is just a microcosm of the dangers that exist at abortion clinics throughout the nation."

Other Ohio Department of Health records show that abortion facilities have singled out poor urban women from the African-American community as targets for aggressive abortion marketing and that African-American women are the ones who are most impacted by the abortion cartel's substandard conditions and practices.

"Operation Rescue calls on the Ohio Department of Health to stop turning a blind eye to dangerous conditions and practitioners, stop issuing variances to those who cannot qualify for hospital transfer agreements, and shut down as many abortion facilities as necessary to protect the lives and health of Ohio women, starting with the Preterm clinic in Cleveland," said Newman.

Read Operation Rescue's ground-breaking Special Report with links to never-before-seen documentation.

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