
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Tell the U.S. Supreme Court you stand with Priests for Life

From Father Frank Pavone, National Director 
Priests for Life

We at Priests for Life are headed for the Supreme Court!

From the very beginning of our challenge to President Obama's HHS mandate -- and we were only the fourth group to launch such a challenge in federal court, back in February of 2012 -- we said we would go as far as we needed to go, all the way to the Supreme Court.

Now, having had both the District Court and the Appeals Court rule against us, the time for that has come. This past week, the Appeals Court rejected our request to have the full panel of judges rehear the case. So now we have 90 days to appeal to the Supreme Court. And in the meantime, we need the Appeals court to keep in place the injunction which has protected us from the mandate throughout this litigation.

Priests for Life has been, and remains, the "lead case" for the religious non-profit sector, just as Hobby Lobby was for the business sector.

Our case -- represented by the American Freedom Law Center, and our attorneys Robert Muise and David Yerushalmi -- is farther along in the courts than the others -- even though some have gotten more media. None has gone to the Supreme Court yet on the merits of the arguments. There has been some Supreme Court activity just about preliminary injunctions, while the arguments on the merits of those other cases are being heard in lower courts.

But Priests for Life is about to ask the Supreme Court to hear our case on its merits! And we want your voice to be heard along with ours!

We are asking you to send us an email that says “I Stand with Priests for Life” to let us know we have your support.

This means a lot to me. Knowing you are with us, in prayer and action, means a lot also to our whole team here at Priests for Life, and to the other leaders, government officials, and Priests for Life supporters around the country.

I am also getting ready to send a message to the Holy Father and to the various offices at the Vatican to update them about our lawsuit, and I want them to see how many people are standing with us!

Taking this step does not involve you in any legal battles or impose any legal liabilities or responsibilities. This is simply an expression of your support for our efforts, and a pledge of your prayers for the success of our case.

But let me also assure you, should the Court ultimately refuse to hear the case or ultimately rule that we need to obey the mandate, I say, as I have in the past, We will obey God rather than men.

So please click here for the information on how to send that email today. And please send this email to as many people as you can!

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