
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Guiding Star Project

The Guiding Star Project is a non-profit organization whose mission is to bring about a Culture of Life through the nationwide establishment of holistic comprehensive health centers offering life-affirming services for women and their families.

To accomplish this mission we will work to provide guidance and support to individuals and organizations wanting to unite and work cooperatively in their own communities in order to better coordinate their services for the benefit for women and families.

The philosophy of Guiding Star centers around Natural Law and New Feminism.

The Guiding Star Project honors the Natural Law ethic; a way of life which is given to us by the Creator and is evident through the natural order of creation and human reason, therefore:

We believe:

  • In the inherent dignity of every human being beginning with natural conception and ending with natural death;
  • That every life is unique and holds potential; every life deserves celebration regardless of the circumstances of conception, status, or health;
  • That life naturally begins at conception within women and requires a “yes” on the part of women to be realized. Therefore, women are at the heart of the Culture of Life;
  • In holistic, women-centered solutions to the many challenges women face in our society today;
  • In each woman’s innate ability to nourish life, either physically or spiritually;
  • That fertility and childbirth are natural, healthy biological processes and that knowledge of them empowers women;
  • That abortion and contraception interrupt natural, healthy biological processes;
  • That women should not feel forced to choose between their children and their education and/or career; and
  • That our bodies were created beautifully and deserve respect, understanding, and care.

We seek through the establishment of Guiding Star Centers:

  • To overcome all forms of violence, discrimination, exploitation, and injustice towards women and children;
  • To provide opportunities for community-wide education and discussion on the many complex issues challenging a life-giving society;
  • To create a space dedicated solely to the protection and promotion of Life; and
  • To connect organizations that offer services that build up a Culture of Life, providing;
  • Emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial support for life-affirming choices;
  • Alternatives to contraception and abortion and will neither provide nor refer for these measures;
  • Innovative services that honor Natural Law in difficult circumstances involving fertility, pregnancy, family life, medical treatments, and end of life issues;
  • Special assistance to women and families experiencing an unexpected pregnancy; and
  • Education necessary to guide women and families in the natural process of life and fertility.

Join the Movement

We are working to establish a nationwide family of Guiding Star Centers that will provide support for natural means of family planning, fertility care, childbirth, breastfeeding, and family life.

Guiding Star Centers will meet the needs of everyday people in holistic,life-affirming ways. We will facilitatecooperation between many providers to better serve women and families in one convenient, professional, welcoming location.

For more information or to find out how you can  become involved, please use this link

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