
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Give Life – June: Pro-Life Movie Night

Our Give Life challenge for the month of June is to host a pro-life movie night!

from Jeanne F. Mancini
President, March for Life

With summer upon us, hosting a pro-life movie night can be a simple, fun, and engaging way to begin a dialogue with friends and family about life and love. Recent polling reveals that while most Americans identify as either “pro-life” or “pro-choice,” many Americans shun such labels in large part because they have not deeply considered the topic of abortion.

By hosting a movie night, conversation related to a culture of life will naturally arise in a relaxed, non-confrontational setting. We have compiled a list of movies with pro-life themes that can be used as a springboard to such meaningful conversations about the inherent dignity of the human person.

For those of you who enjoy digital media, please snap a picture of your pro-life movie night and tag the March for Life on twitter, Facebook or Instagram. As an added incentive, we will be reposting and giving away five March for Life tee-shirts to our favorite entries!

Click HERE to see the list of movies.

It’s so important to be active year-round for the pro-life cause. Thank you for participating in our year-round Give Life Challenges. Every effort makes a difference in building a culture of life!

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