
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Monday's Walmart Demonstrations in Waco bring Partial Pullback on Pornography Sales

From John Pisciotta, Director
Pro-Life Waco

Before I describe what happened, I make TWO URGENT ACTION REQUESTS.
  • Action request #1. Call Waco Walmart Stores (254-751-0464 & 254-666-9021) and Walmart headquarters (800-WALMART). Ask to speak to managers in Waco and express your solidarity with our demand for complete elimination of sales of the 50 Shades of Grey deplorable movie.
  • Action request #2. Make some signs and deliver an “outreach” at a Walmart near you. We cannot advance the battle for our children if we do not engage in battles.
Our 1-2 punch against Walmart in Waco began at 8 a.m. by setting up our signs and positions at the main vehicle entrance to Walmart on Franklin Avenue. Thank you Mike, Fred, Frank, Laura, Ellen, Janie, Nick, Joe, Vincent, Sil, and Carroll for participating. By 9 a.m., we had our limited victory. 

The store manager walked out to take a look at what was going on. I engaged him in conversation. The exchange was quite civil and we discussed what he could and could not do as manager. Our non-negotiable demand is the end to pornographic 50 Shades of Grey video sales at the store. He said he could not end sales but would remove all 50 Shades DVDs from checkout lanes. This would limit pornography sales to the video section of the store. I confirmed at 7 p.m. this evening that the checkout lanes were clear of 50 Shades of Grey. Beyond signs, I also want to note that we were quite successful in distributing a page of information about the 50 Shades movie.

By 11 a.m., we moved the demonstration to the Walmart store on Hewitt Drive. The opportunity to engage people was even greater at this store. Additionally, we had plenty of opportunity to engage the management. I thought it would be a good idea to hand out flyers at the walk-in entrance to the store. Customers were quite receptive. However, the managers found this objectionable. Two managers came out to discuss the situation. I complied with their request to leave the area. Shortly after I returned to the demonstration area, police officers arrived on the scene. They were very helpful in setting the legal ground rules for the demonstration. We had to move three signs back a few feet and also remove our cars from their parking lot. The next flare up came when one of our young demonstrators named Fred went into the Walmart store to use the restroom. He was told that he could not enter in the store because he was wearing our pro-life t-shirt. Fred and I went back into the store for clarification with the store manager. I asked why he was offended by a pro-life t-shirt but willing to sell pornography. I objected to the violation of first amendment rights. The manager did not like our being in the store. We departed the store and wrapped up the demonstration by 1 p.m. –with a sincere promise to return.

With your help, this battle with Walmart will continue—with some new signs. I welcome your suggestions for sign wording. I am considering these two:
--Walmart is disgracing the memory of Sam Walton.
--Walmart is selling a pornographic DVD: 50 Shades of Grey.
I close by stating again TWO ACTION REQUESTS
  1. Call and complain to Walmart managers.
  2.  Demonstrate against Walmart in your community.


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