
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Presidential Candidates Forum to take place at the NRLC 2015 National Convention

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life News Today

If you’ve ever attended a National Right to Life Convention—my first was in 1981—you know there is tons to do, more to learn, and even more to enjoy.

It is the Movement’s annual family get together, and if you haven’t already made plans to be in New Orleans July 9-11, please use this link.  I can’t wait to check in to the New Orleans Marriott which is in the historic French Quarter.

This post is a reminder about an every-four-year highlight: the Presidential Candidates Forum, which will take place July 10.

Sen. Marco Rubio, Gov. Rick Perry, Dr. Ben Carson, and Sen. Rick Santorum have already confirmed. There will be others. Together their presence, their ability to articulately present their pro-life convictions, and their ability to fire up grassroots pro-lifers for the 2016 presidential election campaign will make this one of the convention highlights.

Again, please register below and visit National Right to Life News Today on a daily basis for the latest news about the 2015 NRLC Convention.


National Right to Life News Today is a daily source of in-depth news on the life issues from the trusted source on pro-life issues, National Right to Life.

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