
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Pro-Life Victory - Governor Christie Issues Absolute Vetoes!

Vetoes on Gestational Surrogacy bill and two bills that would have funded Abortion Giant, Planned Parenthood

Marie Tasy, Executive Director
New Jersey Right to Life

Last evening, our pro-life Governor, Chris Christie, issued absolute vetoes of the following bills:
  • S866/A2648, The Gestational Carrier Bill
  • A3672/S3103, Makes FY 2015 supplemental appropriation to DOH for $7,453,000 for family planning services
  • A4604/S3104, Provides Medicaid coverage for family planning services to individuals with incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level
With regard to Bill S866/A2648, the Governor noted he vetoed the identical bill three years ago. ““In 2012, I vetoed this identical bill. I did so because of the significant ethical and moral concerns raised by a government-enforced system of agreements to procreate. I have repeatedly stated that every life is precious, and every human deserving of protection. I take seriously the need to guard against any societal deprecation of the miracle of life,” said Governor Christie.

As you may recall, Governor Christie eliminated funding in the budget for Planned Parenthood when he first became Governor and has vetoed every obsessive attempt by pro-abortion legislators to use taxpayer money to fund them since then.

In vetoing both A3672 and A4604 this evening, the Governor said, ”Unfortunately, accompanying the bipartisan achievement of another balanced budget is another annual ritual of attempting to pass additional unbudgeted spending for selected interests. In what has sadly become a predictable routine, once again, the sponsors of this bill and its companion bill seek to circumvent the budget process and pass legislation that would bestow bonuses to certain family planning clinics and establish a costly new Medicaid program within the Department of Human Services.

 Because of the new financial burden these bills will levy on New Jersey’s taxpayers outside of the budget process, I am returning these bills without my approval.” Governor Christie noted his Fiscal Year 2016 budget already provides funds, as have his past budgets, to important preventative health measures such as the New Jersey Cancer Education and Early Detection Program which funds mammograms, pap smears, and prostate exams. 

The budget he signed last Friday also continues funding for the State’s Federally Qualified Health Centers that provide vital health care services to thousands of low-income New Jerseyans. In addition, the budget funds significant commitments to our state’s future health including cancer education and early detection, ovarian cancer research, breast cancer awareness, and maternal, child, and chronic health services.


Please call and email the Governor to thank him for vetoing these bills.

  • Governor Christie: 609 292 6000
  • Email the Governor here

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