
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Urgent Action Request:Please Attend an Historic Rosary Rally for Marriage

from Rita Smith, M.E.V. (Missionaries of the Gospel of Life)
Rosary Rally Coordinator/Norristown

In expectation of the Supreme Court decision on same-sex "marriage," lay Catholics fervently pray that Our Lady will intervene and protect true marriage in America. Also, St. Joseph is "the Spouse of the Mother of God" and the "Pillar of Families." These rallies are being held in his honor throughout the United States seeking his intervention to restore traditional marriage to America.

Please attend the Historic Rosary Rally for God's Marriage and send to family and friends who are convicted that marriage is between one man and one women.

Please Note: You do not need money for the meters on Saturdays to park your car on Swede St.

Let's take our faith into the public square as we courageously pray and witness regarding the "Sanctity of Marriage between One Man & One Woman."

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