
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Wisconsin’s Proposed Abortion Law to Allow Fathers to Sue Abortionists who Break the Law

by Rebecca Downs
Live Action News

Recently, the Wisconsin Senate passed a 20-week ban on abortion, which Governor Scott Walker has said he will sign.

Notably, the proposed legislation in Wisconsin brings fathers into the mix. The measure states in part:

Any of the following individuals may bring a claim for damages, including damages for personal injury and emotional and psychological distress, against a person who performs, or attempts to perform, an abortion in violation of this section[.]

This includes, along with the mother:

The father of the aborted unborn child or the unborn child that is attempted to be aborted, unless the pregnancy is the result of sexual assault…

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Rebecca Downs currently works as a policy analyst for the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. She graduated from Fordham University in August 2012, where she was a member of the Respect for Life club and College Republicans. She has also written for IRD's Juicy Ecumenism, Secular Pro-Life Perspectives and C-FAM and is now a staff writer for, as well as a op-ed contributor for The Christian Post and for She first became interested in the Live Action campaign at the March for Life in 2010.

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