
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Amnesty and Abortion Shouldn't Mix!

Scott Schittl

Did you know that Amnesty International has launched a massive global campaign to try to force pro-life countries to accept abortion?

In Ireland, El Salvador, Mexico, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina and in other countries, Amnesty have become of one of the loudest and most insistent voices pushing hard for abortion on demand. Please go to the petition page to see many examples of Amnesty's betrayal of the unborn.

This petition, by our friends at the Life Institute, tells Amnesty to STOP forcing abortion on pro-life countries.

Amnesty International was founded to advocate for the rights and freedom of prisoners of conscience.

But, Amnesty has lost its moral credibility through this hypocritical deviation from its mission. In promoting abortion and in diminishing the natural family, Amnesty has caused division among its own membership, jeopardizing its support by people who share a consistent commitment to all human rights.

Now, pro-life citizens must fight back, telling Amnesty that #AbortionIsTorture and asking the global pro-life community to STOP funding Amnesty, since Amnesty is now a major abortion campaigner.

As unbelievable as it is, Amnesty was one of only two NGOs (out of a total of 55), calling for abortion to be declared a "human right" in recent (June, 2015) public submissions published by the UN's Human Rights Committee.

Please SIGN this URGENT petition today. Tell Amnesty International to STOP pushing abortion on pro-life nations.The right to life, not abortion, is the fundamental human right.


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