
Sunday, July 5, 2015

California Assisted Suicide Bill Could Return July 7

Rebecca Downs
Live Action News 

We recently saw some bad news come out of the California Assembly, with the passage of of a bill requiring pregnancy centers to advertise abortion.

Last month, a bill legalizing physician-assisted suicide passed the California Senate along party lines. When it looked like the bill would not get enough votes in the Assembly, and a vote scheduled for June 23 was postponed, pro-lifers claimed victory. But, as an updated article for shows, the battle isn’t over with another vote on possible on July 7.

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Rebecca Downs is currently working on obtaining her Master's degree online from Regent University;s Robertson School of Government. She graduated from Fordham University in August 2012, where she was a member of the Respect for Life club and College Republicans. She has also written for IRD's Juicy Ecumenism, Secular Pro-Life Perspectives and C-FAM and is now a staff writer for, as well as a op-ed contributor for The Christian Post and for She first became interested in the Live Action campaign at the March for Life in 2010.

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