
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Planned Parenthood: The next relic from our racist past that must be purged

by Steve Deace

While we're busy exhuming the remains of Nathan Bedford Forrest in a progressive effort to purge our politically correct culture from all vestiges of its past racism, I'd like to humbly suggest the next target for cultural cleansing.

I'm sure it's just an oversight by our friends on the Left that this particular target was overlooked for their hit-list. That's despite the fact it's arguably the most viciously racist of them all. So many racists, so little time I always say. Still, I'm obviously infected with white privilege (that has never actually given me anything), and even I can see this is the next relic from our racist past that must be purged.

I'm speaking of Planned Parenthood.

Since 1973, Planned Parenthood has helped execute 13 million black babies before they were born. That's more than 20 times the total number of Union soldiers the racist Confederate army killed, wounded or captured during the entire Civil War. If the carcasses of all the black babies Planned Parenthood has killed and dismembered were its own state, it would be the 5th-most populous state in the nation.

That, my dear comrades, is a lot of dead babies.

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