
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Rose Petals

Note from Judith Aliciatore: This poem came to me after the first time I saw pictures of aborted babies. God took the horror and grief I felt and gave me these words. Thank You, Lord.

by Judith Alciatore

They pull the petals from the rose
With hearts of steel and stone
Not caring how the flower grows
For it is not their own

One by one, with practiced pride
They crush the flower’s head
Regarding not the life inside
The mother’s flower bed

Now the flower fades and dies
In silent agony
Only God will hear the cries
Of spirits soon to be

Fragile flowers of our hearts
To Heaven you are bound
In memory as your souls depart
Rose petals on the ground

Judith Alciatore is a life-long cradle Catholic. She first joined 40 Days for Life while living in Iowa; and also joined the local RTL group there. 

Since moving back home to Texas, Judy has continued as a member of 40 Days for Life. She has prayed in front of the local abortion mill, and has written several pro-life poems, which God has freely given her, and which she freely shares. 

Judy states that if one life is saved by any of these poems, then they have served God's Purpose.

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