
Monday, July 27, 2015

Troy Newman Responds to Cecile Richards' Vituperative Attacks

Operation Rescue
Wichita, KS - On Sunday, Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood appeared on ABC News where she was interviewed by George Stephanopoulos.

Rather than answering the questions Mr. Stephanopoulos asked, Richards attempted to deflect by making false statements against those behind the videos that were recently released by the Center for Medical Progress.

While Richards did not mention any names, she obviously was referring to Troy Newman, who is one of three members of the CMP Board of Directors.

Richards said:
The folks behind this, in fact, are part of the most militant wing of the anti-abortion movement that has been behind the bombing of clinics, the murder of doctors in their homes and in their churches, and that's what actually needs to be looked at.
Troy Newman, who also serves as President of Operation Rescue issues the following response:
The evidence is clear that Planned Parenthood is selling aborted baby body parts for fees that exceed their actual costs and is modifying abortion procedures in order to produce organs that can be sold all in clear violation of State and Federal laws.
Therefore, it is no wonder that she would deflect with fallacious attacks in order to divert attention away from Planned Parenthood's own appalling behavior.
As for the videos being "highly doctored" or "out of context" Richards repeatedly ignores the fact that full, uncut videos of the entire conversations with Planned Parenthood abortionists have been available for public inspection and only support the allegations that Planned Parenthood is profiting from the sale of aborted baby organs and tissue.
Newman is considering legal action against Richards for her slanderous and libelous accusations.

"Richard's outright lies, misrepresentations and vituperative attacks do not change the truth that Planned Parenthood has been caught with their bloody hand in the cookie jar," said Newman.

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