
Monday, August 31, 2015

Abortionist's Red Herring

by Bernard J. Byrne

Some candidates have no lower level of flooring ,that they will not stoop to ,in order to garnish votes. Shaughnessy Naughton, running for office in the Pennsylvania's 8th Congressional District shows, in her "Guest Opinion" column in the Intelligencer, exactly why she lost in her last attempt for office. In her column she promises to fight for Planned Parenthood. This is the same Planed Parenthood that has been proven in videos to be dissecting and selling baby parts. One video even purports to show, and tell, how one Planned Parenthood employee went so far, as to shock a delivered fetus, to restart the baby's heart, presumably to make the baby's body parts, more valuable.

In her article, Shaughnessy throws up the usual Abortionist's red herring. The falsehood that depriving Planned Parenthood of taxpayer supported funding will lead to a drop in health care for women. Those politicians who are horrified at the workings of Planned Parenthood and who have sought to deprive them of taxpayer funding have promised to give every penny of that funding, to other organizations that will provide all of the ethical heath care that would be reduced by the reduction of these funds, to Planned Parenthood. She berates those politicians, who would vote to defund Planned Parenthood in the Federal Budget, as extremists who would shut down the government. She neglects to say, that in truth, it will actually be President Obama and those politicians like herself, who continue to support Planned Parenthood, no matter what their evil deeds, that will actually be the one's shutting down the government. They will shut down the whole of government to insure that Panned Parenthood continues to receive your a earned taxes.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of ethical organizations all across America that provide the good women's health care, that is said to be provided by Planned Parenthood and they would do so without any of Planned Parenthood's unethical practices. Let's stop the vicious cycle of quid-pro-quo, that is government gives taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood gives large amounts of money to politicians who vote to give more of our taxes to Planned Parenthood, and around and around she goes. Let's put a stop to this merry-go-round of corruption. Let's put an end to politicians who pray on women's fears, in order to garner their votes, no matter how they have to distort the facts.

 Bernard J. Byrne is a pro-life advocate who lives with his wife, Barbara, in Central Bucks County. 

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