
Monday, August 24, 2015

Prayerful Protest Outside Planned Parenthood in Hackensack, NJ

From Deacon Tim Kennedy
Archdiocese of Newark; Deacons for Life 

There were over 200 at the Hackensack NJ Rally.  Present were 40 Days for Life, Father Larry Fama, Director of Respect Life Ministry Archdiocese of Newark, Deacon Tim Kennedy - Archdiocese of Newark and Deacons for Life, a witness from Silent No More Awareness Campaign who traveled from Vermont to be present, having had an abortion at this facility many years ago. Also present were Clergy from other Faith denominations and over 200 prayerful protesters.

Some pictures from Saturday's #PPSellsBabyParts National Day of Protest in Hackensack, NJ. 

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