
Sunday, September 6, 2015

Basic Guidelines for Sidewalk Counselors and Prayer Supporters

NOTE: With the recent Planned Parenthood scandal we have seen an increase of people coming out to pray and witness at their local abortion facilities. Below is an article with basic guidelines I found on-line and wanted to share for those who are new to public witness and sidewalk counseling.  Remember our primary goal is to save the life of the unborn child who is scheduled for death, but we should also remember we are giving  Christian witness to these mothers and our secondary goal should be to help them as well.   
By Debra Braun, Education Director
Pro-Life Action Ministries

The most important qualification for a sidewalk counselor or prayer supporter is to BE THERE! Lives have been saved just by the presence of pro-lifers outside an abortion center praying or holding signs. And the two most important things that a sidewalk counselor needs to remember are: 1) that abortion is always wrong, and 2) that there is help for a woman when she chooses life. This knowledge alone has helped pro-lifers on the sidewalk save lives!

Before you go out to sidewalk counsel, examine your own convictions on abortion. All people are created in the image and likeness of God and therefore, all preborn children are to be protected from abortion, including those who were conceived as the result of rape or incest or who have a mental or physical disability. (If the pregnancy is a threat to the woman’s life or health, we can refer her to a pro-life doctor who will work to protect her and the baby.) You will encounter people who are in very difficult situations, but you must believe that abortion is never the solution to their problems. Be ready to speak the truth in love (see Ephesians 4:15).

It is extremely important while sidewalk counseling to remain in a spirit of prayer. Remember that human beings are being killed just a short distance from where you are standing. When you are sidewalk counseling, you are in the midst of an intense spiritual battle between good and evil, between truth and falsehood, between life and death. Pray before you arrive and continue to pray while you are sidewalk counseling.

Pro-Life Action Ministries is an interdenominational, Christian organization dedicated to publicly defending the sanctity of human life, and saving lives from abortion, infanticide and euthanasia through peaceful direct-action and educational projects.

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