
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Campaigns of Prayer and Fasting Announced: September 12-20 and October 10-18

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life

Following upon a week of prayer and fasting that mobilized thousands of Churches across denominational lines from August 22-29, Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life announced that there will be two more similar campaigns in September and October, with the specific intention of ending abortion in the United States and ending the evils perpetrated by Planned Parenthood. Follow this link for details and registration.

The first of the two new campaigns will be from September 12 – 20. It launches on the National Day of Remembrance, when simultaneous prayer services will be held across the nation at the gravesites of aborted children and at various monuments set up in honor of the unborn.

The second campaign will run from October 10 – 18.

As last time, churches across the Body of Christ will be urged to pray and fast in ways consistent with their own denomination's theology and spirituality.

Suggested prayers are found at the campaign website, using this link.  

The primary sponsor of the prayer campaigns is Priests for Life and the National Pro-life Religious Council, and they are joined by a coalition of approximately 30 national and pro-life groups. 

Churches are asked to utilize and promote these prayers among their congregations and are asked to announce from the pulpit and on their websites.

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