
Thursday, September 24, 2015

How to Talk about Physician-Assisted Suicide


By: John Stonestreet

Are you ready to defend life to your friends and neighbors? Not just the unborn, but the targets of physician-assisted suicide?

Yesterday, Eric Metaxas told you about the recent approval of physician-assisted suicide by the California legislature. Citing the work of Rosaria Butterfield, he gave us an historical perspective on how we as a culture have arrived at this troubling moment.

Now today, I’d like to talk with you about what we can do, what we must do, to defend life to our friends and neighbors.

To start, we have to understand this: While Christians believe (or at least should believe) that all human life is sacred from conception to natural death, many of our neighbors don’t share that conviction.

But that doesn’t mean we are at an impasse. In fact, there are many reasons to oppose physician-assisted suicide even for those that don’t share our belief in the sanctity of human life. And these are the kinds of arguments we need to be ready to make, as Chuck Colson would put it, over the backyard fence with our neighbors.

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