
Friday, September 25, 2015

Lets Pray America/ Friday‏

by Dale Gentry
Faith Declaration Friday 

Good Friday morning everybody. It's time to pray America! Please take a few moments to make your Faith Declarations with me on link above. Would you pray this prayer out loud with me today?

"Dear Father Christians today...............we repent on behalf of a nation that is responsible for the genocide of 55 million babies...............we ask Your forgiveness as Congress refuses to defund Planned Parenthood..................a group that is not only performing abortions but selling their little body parts for profit..............we pray today that Pope Francis will address this travesty while in America.................our hearts are grieved at new social medias that are promoting abortions................women actually declaring it was a great experience..............we do pray today for those who continue to suffer as a result of an abortion................many of them still grieving over their decision..............filled with guilt and condemnation...............may these women today know that You stand ready to forgive...............and we pray that these individuals will forgive themselves.................we also pray for young ladies who are contemplating an abortion..............may they consider the consequences before proceeding with this procedure...................asking You today Lord to turn us around as a nation..................soften our hardened hearts as we pray for revival in America, another spiritual Jesus name.............amen."

Rhonda Kinser shares her personal story concerning the consequences of having an abortion. Listen to this heart wrenching account all day today on BPN Radio. Go to

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