
Monday, September 21, 2015

Planned Parenthood Nationwide Protests Set for Oct. 10

From Mark Harrington, Director
Created Equal

Columbus, September 21, 2015 – On Saturday, October 10 a second round of public protests of Planned Parenthood (PP) abortion clinics and facilities will take place all over the United States. The first round of protests took place on August 22 when over 78,000 people turned out at 354 sites throughout the United States and in six foreign countries.

On October 10, 2015, pro-lifers will once again hit the streets and sidewalks outside Planned Parenthood facilities in protest, with a goal of bringing our message to even more Planned Parenthood locations.

Once again, Created Equal,  Pro-Life Action League, and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society are the main sponsors.

To support this effort financially, click HERE.

Local leaders are currently being recruited to host these protests, and protest locations will begin to be listed soon. If you are interested in signing on to lead a protest on October 10, please fill out the leadership application form.

Thousands are expected to attend these protests with the purpose of creating awareness of the barbaric practice of abortion and the sale of aborted baby body parts -- a scandal that has erupted in recent weeks due to undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress

What: Protest PP's disrespect for human life, harvesting and selling of aborted baby parts
Where: Hundreds of Planned Parenthood facilities across America
When: October 10, 2015 from 9:00am-11:00am

If you want to become an organizer of one of the protests or more information, go to

"#ProtestPP is not an event but a movement of Americans who are taking action. These undercover videos have awakened the conscience of the nation to barbarous acts of the abortion company – Planned Parenthood. Now is the time to act!"

1 comment:

  1. My heart has been broken since those awful videos were posted, showing the wholesale of babies body parts.. Our president's soundbite that was mentioned on Jay Sekulows show, shows that Obama feels at this time this PP fight isnt as important as our other problems. If he were a true Christian, this would be on the forefront of His plans in Congress. A leader and the nation that follows him...affects the outcome of the movement of Gods hand in mercy. Any President's spiritual sins affect his nation and affect it physically in regards to unprotection against plagues, pestilences, unatural disasters etc. That includes its obvious fallout financially caused from the leaders breach ethically, morally, economically and its effect it in regards of its military defence. See what happened when King Saul in the bible sinned...and all the other bad kings , sadly , effects the righteous and the unrighteous alike. But if we , at least try to resist evil. Speak up and pray --God will deliver His people. We are more than just a remnant, we are a force to be reckoned with, for our weapons are not if this world but are mighty in the pulling down of strongholds...all through PRAYER.
