
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Women Betrayed: The Real Stories Rally & Lobby Day

Jeanne F. Mancini
President, March for Life

This summer Planned Parenthood has been busy fending off allegations they sold the body parts of aborted babies for profit. They have had to contend with thousands of protestors at their facilities. They are finally on the defense and it’s not the time to let up.

March for Life is joining with several other pro-life groups and women betrayed by Planned Parenthood to ensure that our pro-life led Congress fulfills their promises and passes a federal budget that contains not one dime for Planned Parenthood.

We will be making our voices heard on Thursday, Sept 10th in Washington, DC at Capitol Hill at Noon. Can you join us?

Join March for Life, leaders from other national pro-life organizations, and Senator Rand Paul who has already confirmed his attendance.

Make the trek to Washington to join us as we make our voices heard loud & clear by our leaders in Congress. Our demand is simple:Pass a budget that contains not one penny for Planned Parenthood, and put that budget on President Obama’s desk for him to either sign and defund the abortion giant once and for all or defend Planned Parenthood’s practice of harvesting and selling the body parts of aborted babies. Planned Parenthood’s back is up against the wall. They are in their weakest position in their 99-year history.

The pressure needs to be doubled down because Congress heads back to Washington soon, and they need to vote on the budget by the end of September – a budget that currently gives over half a billion dollars to Planned Parenthood. That needs to end, and it needs to end now.

We are partnering with groups across the nation like Abby Johnson’s And Then There Were None to bring women who have been betrayed by Planned Parenthood right to Capitol Hill. Planned Parenthood’s entire business model is built on selling out women and their preborn babies for profit. They treat women and their preborn children like nothing more than a price tag, and we want to make sure Congress hears their stories.

Please make your travel plans now and join us on Capitol Hill on Thursday, September 10th for the #WomenBetrayed: The Real Stories Rally & Lobby Day. All you have to do is get to Washington, and we will make sure your voice is heard by your elected officials that we want them to defund Planned Parenthood in their upcoming budget.

Please go to right now to RSVP that you are coming to the September 10th rally and get logistical information for where to go once you reach Washington.

Further, if you’ve been a client at Planned Parenthood in the past and feel betrayed by their lies, go to and share your story.

The national media doesn’t want to cover this story anymore. They know talking about abortion doesn’t get them the big ratings, and it certainly doesn’t help out their friends in the abortion lobby.

The only way we will get national media coverage and attention from Congress is if we turn out huge crowds of hundreds, maybe even thousands, on September 10th.

Planned Parenthood should not receive one more dime of taxpayer funding. To make sure that happens, we have to show up. We have to show Congress that we care more about women and children and won’t forget.

Please help us make the #WomenBetrayed: The Real Stories Rally & Lobby Day a huge success by joining us in Washington.

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