
Thursday, October 15, 2015

But Women Need Planned Parenthood ...RIGHT?!

Chantel Poisel, Communications Coordinator
Sidewalk Advocates for Life

In light of the undercover videos exposing the evil of "baby body part trafficking" behind the doors of Planned Parenthood facilities across the country, people are beginning to talk more about the topic of abortion -- and whether there is an actual need for scandal-ridden Planned Parenthood.

One of the biggest arguments many of us have heard is, "But women need the low-cost healthcare services that Planned Parenthood provides!" How does Sidewalk Advocates for Life handle that question?
  • We train our Sidewalk Advocates to solve the problem that brought the woman to the abortion or abortion-referral facility: that no matter the client they encounter on the sidewalk, there is a loving, life-affirming alternative in their community for every need.
  • We train our Sidewalk Advocates to direct all business away from the abortion or abortion-referral facility: how to take each 'service' Planned Parenthood offers and offer the most ethical, low-cost or free service elsewhere, making it attractive for the client to leave and take their business somewhere else in town.

After all, it's easy: Planned Parenthood offers very limited gynecological services at best. Federally-qualified health centers (FQHCs) outnumber Planned Parenthood centers about 20 to 1 -- and they offer everything a Planned Parenthood does and so much more! It's easy to see that scandal-ridden Planned Parenthood is completely and totally replaceable!

Ironically, our Sidewalk Advocates recently had the opportunity to participate in a Q&A call with Former Planned Parenthood Manager Ramona TreviƱo. One of the points Ramona made on the call was that her Planned Parenthood abortion-referral facility was NOT the cheapest place in town for a simple well-woman exam. (And she noted that this was the case with many other communities, as well!) There were several doctors in town, in addition to the local health department, which offered more comprehensive services at a lower cost! It blew the stereotype out of the water!

Sidewalk Advocates for Life now has 72 locations where men and women are learning the truth about Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, right on the sidewalk, and are being offered loving, life-affirming, free or low-cost alternatives, getting real help right in the community where they live. So far, by the grace of God, 870 lives have been saved from abortion -- that we know of and 24 abortion workers have had a conversion of heart and mind and left the industry for good!


1. Pray! 
  • Pray for those who are standing outside of the abortion facilities in a spirit of peace as they try to speak the truth-in-love to men and women-in-crisis.
  • Pray for women-in-crisis, that they will be moved by the Holy Spirit and will seek life-affirming alternatives to the crisis that brings them to the abortion clinic in the first place.
  • Pray for those working in the abortion business, that they may have a conversion of heart and mind and leave their jobs. 
2. Find a Sidewalk Advocates for Life location near you and get involved.
  • To find a location near you, please visit our website using this link and check out our map of the world with current locations marked by balloons.
  • Participate in the next-nearest training event and learn how you can make a difference.
  • Go out to the facility and either put your training to use, or stand on the sidewalk as a prayer partner for those who are reaching our to women and men at the abortion facility.
  • If there is no location near you, prayerfully discern if YOU are being called to bring this program to your community!

Applications to bring Sidewalk Advocates for Life to YOUR town or city will re-open November 1- 30. If you would like to bring this life-saving training program to your community, simply use this link  and fill out the application. A member of our team will then give you a call to discuss the details with you and help you to get started!

3. Financial Support

Perhaps you feel called to contribute financially to help those who are meeting women on the sidewalk -- so they can get the training and tools they need to help them better meet the needs of women-in-crisis. You can donate to this life-saving work by clicking on the button below. 

Thank you so much for joining us in this mission to end abortion! We have been humbled by the amazing things the Lord has already done through this work, and cannot wait to see what He does next!

1 comment:

  1. God is patient, God is Merciful, God is forgiving. Please pray for the unborn, they have not harmed any one. So why should they be MURDERED, legally in the eyes of the American Government. We must pull together and peacefully Protest until the law is overturned. May God have Mercy on us all.

    Pax et Bonum,

    Fr Francis Mary FFBVM, OFH
