
Monday, October 26, 2015

Citizen Petitions Delivered to Legislature Demanding Action on Planned Parenthood

From the Pennsylvania Family Council 

Public outrage over Planned Parenthood’s fetal tissue operations, not to mention its longstanding brutal abortion business, continues to percolate across Pennsylvania and the country. The Pennsylvania Family Council was pleased to deliver to the Capitol this week thousands of pages of petitions urging the legislature 1) to mount an independent investigation of Planned Parenthood, and 2) to support HB 1623, the Whole Women’s Health Funding Priorities Act, which would ensure abortion-selling organizations are at the very bottom of the list for state healthcare appropriations.

Gov. Tom Wolf’s administration has already concluded its own investigation of Planned Parenthood, but the impartiality of the investigation is seriously in doubt. It has recently been revealed, for instance, that Planned Parenthood of Pennsylvania has an incredibly tight relationship with the governor’s office, with leaders meeting Gov. Wolf on multiple occasions and talking points being distributed to the governor’s staff. It’s time for a real, independent investigation into Planned Parenthood’s practices in our commonwealth.

The Whole Women’s Health Funding Priorities Act, introduced by freshman representatives Paul Schemel (R-Franklin) and Judy Ward (R-Blair), must be a part of any serious response to the Planned Parenthood videos. No organization that does abortions, and certainly no organization that treats the unborn with such callousness and flippancy, deserves a dime of taxpayer subsidy. Our legislators need to know that Pennsylvanians care deeply about this injustice.

You can see more about these responses to the Planned Parenthood videos, including opportunities to sign the petition and contact your legislators, at our Citizen Action Center on our website -

The Mission of the Pennsylvania Family Institute is to strengthen families by restoring to public life the traditional, foundational principles and values essential for the well-being of society. We are the only full-time, professionally staffed non-profit organization representing family values—your values—in the state capitol. We encourage responsible citizenship and involvement in civic affairs to promote respect for life, family, marriage and religious liberty.  

Use this link for more information about this group.  

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