
Thursday, October 8, 2015

New Video: Man Recovers from Blood Cancer after Adult Stem Cell Transplant

from Chuck Donovan
President, Charlotte Lozier Institute

On Monday, the Charlotte Lozier Institute released a new video which tells the story of 67-year-old Bill Bourland, who was diagnosed with a life-threatening blood cancer called Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS). Thanks to his wife’s determination, a fortuitous meeting with a neighbor, a doctor experienced with adult stem cell treatment, and the generosity of his brother, Bill has received a second chance at life with a clean bill of health.

You can watch the video below:


Many others like Bill are currently being treated with ethical non-controversial adult stem cell transplants, which do not require the destruction of a human life for the healing of another.

According to a press release on a February 2015 Lancet Haematology study:

HSCT (also known as blood and bone marrow transplant) is most often used to treat diseases of the blood and several types of cancer such as multiple myeloma or leukaemia. For many people with these diseases the only possibility of a cure is to have a HSCT. In fact, over 1 million patients have already been treated with hematopoietic adult stem cells alone.

Many more people could benefit from adult stem cell transplants if they only knew about the possibilities. Can you imagine if your life depended on having a chance conversation with your neighbor to discover that treatment existed?

Use this link for more information about adult stem cells.

The Charlotte Lozier Institute began supporting Stem Cell Research Facts in January, and plans to continue sponsoring inspiring videos like Bill’s to raise awareness about the life-saving, research-based, and ethical option of adult stem cell treatment.  As we continue to sponsor videos like this one, we need the help of our supporters like you.

Please consider making a donation today to help us continue to raise awareness about ethical adult stem cell treatment.

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