
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Planned Parenthood Worker Featured in Shock Video Calls 911 for Bleeding Abortion Patient

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Houston, TX - Even as Planned Parenthood's CEO Cecile Richards, was testifying before the House Oversight Committee on her organization's funding and participation in the sale of aborted baby tissue, Operation Rescue received 911 records related to a medical emergency the Houston Planned Parenthood facility that was featured in the videos released by the Center for Medical Policy.

According to the Houston Coalition for Life, which posted a photograph of the incident on its Facebook page, this was the tenth ambulance to be seen at the high volume Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Houston since the beginning of the year.

The abortion-related medical emergency took place on August 4, 2015. In an audio recording of the 911 call obtained by Operation Rescue through a Freedom of Information Act request, the Planned Parenthood caller identified herself as "Tram."

This is Tram Nguyen, who is the Director of the Ambulatory Surgery Center, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, in Houston, Texas. Nguyen is featured in the Center for Medical Progress video released on August 4, 2015 - ironically the same day as the botched abortion - titled "Intact Fetuses 'Just a Matter of Line Items' for Planned Parenthood TX Mega-Center."

Continue reading and view the video with the actual 911 call!

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