
Monday, November 2, 2015

Can You Text?‏ A Reminder for Pa.'s November 3rd General Election

From Ted Meehan
Pro-Life Union of Delaware County

Thanks to all who have assisted in the various lit drops, and phone banks. You are making a major difference. This is a "turnout" election.

When 400,000 voters turn out, we need to mobilize 200,000 plus 1 - to win. BUT, in a 'low turnout' election - there may be only 100,000 voters. So, we can win with only 50,000 plus 1. It's as if each vote was worth four votes! If WE get our people out, WE CAN WIN!

So, the trick is to get our friends and families to vote. Here is how you can do that. Between now and Tuesday, send out an email to all of your contacts. Ask them to support the pro-life judges (the Republicans). Supreme Court: Ann Covey, Judy Olson, and Mike George. Superior Court: Emil Giordano. Commonwealth Court: Paul Lalley.

On Tuesday, send them a text!
"It's Election Day, please make sure to vote for Supreme Court: Ann Covey, Judy Olson, and Mike George. Superior Court: Emil Giordano. Commonwealth Court: Paul Lalley.
Pass this reminder on to ten friends today!"

If you send this to 20 or 30 people, you may mobilize 100. That could create a landslide! It certainly will help to offset the expected Philadelphia vote.
So, to elect a great State Court:
  • emails between now and Tuesday 
  • Text messages on Tuesday.
Thank you! You are each a part of the victory! God bless you!

Note from Editor: I would also remind them that all the Democrat candidates are endorsed by Planned Parenthood . We need to make sure we all get to the polls this Tuesday and vote for Pro-Life Candidates.

If we neglect to vote, we are in truth giving a vote to the pro-abortion candidates and also our approval of the atrocities committed by Planned Parenthood!

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