
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Amazing Picture Shows Workers Demolishing Abortion Clinic That Used to Kill Babies


By Cheryl Sullenger 

It was for years the focus of the abortion wars in the South. The non-descript red brick building in Birmingham once housed the most notorious abortion business in Alabama. In a final post script to decades of pro-life efforts, it was razed to the ground the weekend by new owners who have other – better – plans for the property.

Operated by the “Abortion Queen” Diane Derzis, New Woman All Women was a poorly-maintained abortion facility that became well known for shoddy practices and deceptive tactics that kept it operating well beyond its legal ability to do so.

A coalition of pro-life groups, including the CEC for Life, Life Legal Defense Foundation, and Operation Rescue, worked to expose and report below-standard patient care, dangerous facility conditions, and in the end, illegal abortions done by long-time Derzis employee Bruce Elliot Norman.

The beginning of the end for Derzis and her Birmingham clinic came on January 21, 2012, when local pro-life activists with CEC for Life photographed two abortion patients being hand-carried out a back door down broken steps to gurneys waiting in a trash-strewn alley.Emergency 911 records obtained by Operation Rescue indicated that the two women suffered drug overdoses caused by ill-trained clinic staff.

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