
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Explosive Blessings Through the Power of Prayer!

from Chantel Poisel
Communications Coordinator
Sidewalk Advocates for Life

I can hardly believe that another year is already upon us! I pray that as you reflect on 2015 and look forward to 2016 that you are just as excited as we are to see what the Lord does this coming year!

2015 brought many blessings to our ministry on the sidewalk! Here are just a few...
  • Our number of Sidewalk Advocates for Life locations grew to 80 across the globe;
  • Our National Team grew to better meet the needs of our current locations;
  • One location recently reported that their abortion facility is closing in February while another now has an abortionist that can no longer perform abortions;
  • Several of our locations are reporting reduced number of operational days and / or hours at the abortion facility due to decreased business since they started;
  • We're seeing an increased number of volunteers wanting to get involved in this life-saving ministry;
  • And we have now recorded over 970 lives spared from abortion -- not including turn-a-ways and hopefuls (visit our website here to see stats) -- that we know of!
When we have so many faithful people praying together for an end to abortion, so many serving as the hands and feet of Jesus on the sidewalks as they bring hope and healing to women-in-crisis, and so many cheering on this vital, life-saving work ...we have every reason to be hopeful and expect great things!

Why are we seeing such explosive blessings on the sidewalk? We believe that it comes, first and foremost, from the power of prayer. Truly, the evidence of that belief is right before our eyes in so many ways.

Today, I humbly ask that you join us in prayer throughout 2016, asking the Lord to bless the following petitions...
  • for His blessings and protection on our Sidewalk Advocates, National Team, Board of Directors and Program Advisors;
  • for His presence in every interaction on the sidewalk -- that we may be the hands and feet of Christ to those-in-need;
  • to move our culture away from death and back to life;
  • for an end to abortion;
  • for all of this to be done to bring Glory to Him!
In summary, we pray that as we come together to transform hearts, save lives and bring an end to abortion through the grace of God that we would see explosive blessings in 2016 and beyond!

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