
Thursday, January 14, 2016

March for Life Announces Their List of Speakers for This Year's March

from Jeanne F. Mancini
President, March for Life

I am excited to share with you our wonderful lineup of speakers and performers for the March for Life 2016.

This year’s speakers at the March for Life 2016 Rally include, but are not limited to:
  • Carly Fiorina, pro-life businesswoman
  • Senator Joni Ernst, junior Senator from Iowa
  • Matt Birk; Director of Football Development, NFL and former Baltimore Ravens Super Bowl Champion
  • Sue Ellen Browder; Author, Subverted
  • Jim Daly; President, Focus on the Family
  • Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, SBA List
  • Marguerite Duane, MD; Co-founder and Executive Director, FACTS
  • His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos, Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops 
  • Dr. Russell Moore, President, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
  • Jewels Green; Silent No More campaign
  • Nathan Grime; Student, Concordia Lutheran High School
  • Caitlin Jane; Christian Music Artist
  • Shawn Welcome; Performance Poet
The rally kicks off at noon on the National Mall at the Washington Monument, with music and entertainment beginning at 11:40 a.m.Click HERE for more details. The breadth of industry represented by these valuable leaders underscores the fact that people from all walks of life have a stake in defending and protecting life - you won't want to miss their inspiring remarks!

We continue to learn that many who will be attending the March for Life 2016 will be doing so for the first time. Whether this is your first march, or your 43rd march, please watch and share this brief video clip below on what the March for Life is all about!

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