
Sunday, January 10, 2016

Planned Parenthood endorses Hillary Clinton...

...She’s everything we’ve ‘believed in and fought for’

by Cassy Fiano
Live Action News

Fresh off her endorsement from NARAL, Hillary Clinton has gained herself another big pro-abortion endorsement: the largest abortion provider in the country itself, Planned Parenthood. PP lit up social media today, enthusiastically encouraging their followers to “Stand with Hillary.”

Of course, it’s no surprise that HRC has been endorsed by Planned Parenthood. She’s not only rabidly pro-abortion; she’s fanatical about supporting Planned Parenthood as well. She defended Planned Parenthood when they were caught illegally selling the body parts of aborted babies, calling it a witch hunt, and compared pro-life candidates to terrorists. And, surprise! She’s also one of the candidates that gets the most money from Planned Parenthood.

See more of Planned Parenthood's twitter posts here

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