
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Roe v. Wade at 43


The January 22, 1973, Supreme Court Roe v Wadedecision is important for two reasons: its flawed reasoning and its destructive effect. In practice, Roe legalized abortion on demand. It has poisoned our public life for 43 years. It has enabled the killing of tens of millions of unborn children, an entire American generation. Abortion “procedures” — a sanitized understatement worthy of George Orwell — have emotionally scarred millions of adult women and men.

Abortion supporters talk a good line about reproductive health care. But there’s very little health care in homicide. There’s simply no way around the living, developing unborn daughter or son — visible on any ultrasound machine — who ends up dead at the end of the abortion industry’s doublespeak.

The reality of abortion is the butchery of Kermit Gosnell’s blood-stained Philadelphia “clinic,” and the callousness and profiteering captured by last year’s Planned Parenthood videos — not the fabric softener alibis of pro-choice public relations memos and news media cheerleaders. Abortion supporters press the importance of reproductive rights. But they systematically violate the most basic right of all: the right to life.

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