
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Soldiers for Christ and His Unborn Babies

by Terry Noble

 One by one they came, young and old, to stand and pray as Soldiers for Christ at yesterday's Prayer and Witness Rally at the Warminster, Pa. Planned Parenthood.  As the crowd grew, I sensed a “cloud of witnesses” assembling.  Witnesses to the truth that must be told loud and clear. “Abortion Kills Babies, Wounds Mothers, Fathers and Families.”

One of those who witnessed with us, Bernadette Bachich Repisky, observed, “It was a nice gathering. One of the largest ones I've ever seen at that site. I'd like to see us pray for the unborn, and for our country, in a more visible space sometimes though.”

Bill Miller (pictured above), long-time pro-life warrior and former president of the Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition  had this to say about the Rally. "There was a real mix of people from toddlers to very senior citizens (like me). We had full participation during the Rosary and Divine Mercy. It was great to see Monsignor Beisel and Monsignor Gentilli for their Spiritual leadership."

Anne Krahn, a member of Our Lady of Guadalupe Respect Life Committee, stated. “in spite of the bitter cold, there was a great number of us to give prayerful witness to the horror of abortion.”

Barney Byrne, who along with his wife, Barbara, organized this event, noted, “we were happy to see that there was twice as many participants, as last year.  We were also encouraged by the increase in young people.   The people we spoke to truly believed that they were part of something bigger than themselves.”

Pat Dowling told us that at Monday’s, MLK Prayer and Service Day, 24 babies were aborted at this PP site.  My thoughts turned to those babies, who suffered unimaginable pain, as they were being torn limb from limb from their mother’s womb.  I thought, how long will we endure as a nation if we continue to murder the most innocent among us?  Only God knows.  But that’s exactly why we are in this war on the unborn.  He uses us as His Hands, Feet and Voice to do what can only be done by His children. 

Every time we gather to pray in front of PP, we meet on a battleground.  The Bible tells us our weapons are powerful: Faith and Trust in Christ, His Holy Word and Persistent Prayer.  “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds…and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

Voices for the Unborn is dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. Use this link to read our Mission Statement. You can also follow us on Facebook, Google, and Pinterest. Help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

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