
Friday, January 29, 2016

Stand up to Hillary‏...

Your signature is needed today to stand up to pro-abortion advocates

from Marjorie Dannenfelser, President
Susan B. Anthony List

As I’ve told stated before, Hillary Clinton is a pro-abortion radical who supports abortion on-demand up until the very end of a pregnancy.

Now she’s going a step further. After receiving the endorsement of abortion giant Planned Parenthood, Hillary announced she wants to get rid of the Hyde Amendment, which bars taxpayer money from paying for abortions.

Hillary stood by Planned Parenthood after the release of horrifying videos last year that showed their involvement in the harvest and sale of body parts from aborted babies.

Her latest proposal to end Hyde means she wants to use our tax money to pay for abortions on-demand!

Hillary and her allies won’t stop with just the Hyde Amendment and forcing us to fund abortion. They will fight to EXPAND taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood and against compassionate, common-sense legislation that protects unborn children and their mothers.

We must be sure that pro-life Republicans running for President speak out forcefully against repealing the Hyde Amendment as part of their overall pro-life stance.

Sign the petition today – tell the Republican candidates to stand for life and against taxpayer funding of abortion by clicking on the button below.


In an election year, it’s vitally important that candidates stand up for their values and against the values of Hillary and other pro-abortion politicians. Another way to help is to forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to sign it.

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