
Monday, February 1, 2016

Brick thru window

from Emily Buchanan
Executive Vice President, Susan B. Anthony List

Please take a look at the email & pictures below. Last night, Jill Stanek, Susan B. Anthony List’s national campaign chair, returned home to find a brick thrown through her window.

The note included with the brick (warning: crass language) made it clear she was targeted for her pro-life work.

For about six months, Jill has been travelling the country, working to build support for Susan B. Anthony List’s aggressive campaign strategy to elect a pro-life president this year and advance legislation like the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would stop abortion after five months.

Jill knows more than anyone the pain these children experience. As a nurse she witnessed babies around this age struggle for life after they had been abandoned following a failed abortion.

As you can see from her message below, despite this attack, Jill is more resolved than ever to fight on behalf of the unborn and their mothers. Her dedication to our shared cause is so inspiring, I had to share it with you. The SBA List team is truly blessed to have her on our side.

Please do me a favor and keep Jill and our entire team in your prayers. As you can see, the brick landed right on top of Jill’s devotional table – perhaps a reminder of how important prayer is in this battle for life.

With your help, we can continue to expand our efforts and take on new challenges. Already we’re:

Knocking on doors across battle ground states – educating voters about the importance of voting pro-life
Lobbying legislators to vote YES tomorrow on the override of President Obama’s veto of defunding Planned Parenthood legislation
Proving key research and data to federal and state legislators fighting for lifesaving laws like the Pain-Capable bill

Holding potential presidential nominees accountable for their words and actions, so that we have the strongest pro-life candidate in the general election

Just like Jill, we are not worried. We are more fired up than ever to defend life and build a culture of Life in our nation – I hope you are, too!

With your help, we can do all of the above and more, so please consider making a donation right now. 


1 comment:

  1. Jill, apparently you've awakened some ones conscious and you made them resentful because they are now aware of feeling guilty. I pray you started the beginning process for some one to turn away from Pro-abortion to Pro-Life. Stay strong and thank you for the work you're doing to give voice to those without voices.
