
Monday, February 15, 2016

Congressional Subpoenas Go Out to Uncooperative Abortion Providers, Profiteers

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Washington, DC - The Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives has announced that it will begin issuing subpoenas next week to two businesses and one publicly-funded university in an attempt to obtain information in its investigation of abortion abuses. All three institutions have been uncooperative with the Select Panel's requests to voluntarily provide information to the Committee.

Chairman Marsha Blackburn released a statement on Thursday indicating that subpoenas would go out to the following:
* Stem Express, a California organ procurement company that profited from contracts with Planned Parenthood and other abortion businesses for the purchase of aborted baby remains for "research" according to video and documents obtained by the Center for Medical Progress.

* University of New Mexico, a tax-funded institution that operates a free-standing abortion business, UNM Center for Reproductive Health, and also has a relationship with Southwestern Women's Options to provide emergency hospital care for its frequent patients that suffer life-threatening abortion-related complications.

* Southwestern Women's Options, an abortion facility that conducts abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy. Documentation obtained by Tara Shaver of Protest Albuquerque shows an alarming pattern of abortion injuries at this facility, which takes advantage of New Mexico's lack of abortion laws to conduct very late abortions that are illegal in other states.

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