
Friday, February 26, 2016

Daleiden: Planned Parenthood’s Fetal Tissues Sales Aren't Legally Defensible


By Carole Novielli
Live Action News

David Daleiden, the man behind undercover videos which have resulted in Planned Parenthood being defunded in several states, said in a recent interview of Planned Parenthood’s business model for fetal tissue sale: “There’s no way that model is legally defensible.”

The Center for Medical Progress’s series of undercover footage documented Planned Parenthood officials negotiating prices for the body parts of babies they aborted. Daleiden, who described his expertise as “hands-on immersion” in “regenerative medicine and stem cell science,” told the Washington Examiner:

[I]n terms of the for-profit sale of fetal tissue, it’s very clearly the business model Planned Parenthood was using at most of their affiliates.

In that model, where you have an outside procurement company sending harvesting technicians into the clinics to do all the work of fetal tissue collection, for Planned Parenthood it’s free. There’s no cost to Planned Parenthood to do that, and yet they’re still getting paid per fetal organ by these companies. There’s no way that model is legally defensible.

“These companies” Daleiden is referring to include StemExpress, Planned Parenthood’s procurement company which cut ties with the abortion giant soon after the release of CMP’s videos. As Live Action News previously reported, former StemExpress procurement technician Holly O’Donnell shared grisly details about being instructed at a California Planned Parenthood to cut into the face of an aborted baby boy – who still had a heartbeat – to harvest an intact brain.


  1. Daledian did a great human rights work. He may suffer for it as people have bought into abortion on demand as...empowering. It empowers PP officials to enrich themselves with various revenue streams...

    1. Some revenue streams to many PP clinics exempt status. F

  2. Daledian did a great human rights work. He may suffer for it as people have bought into abortion on demand as...empowering. It empowers PP officials to enrich themselves with various revenue streams...
