
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Father Pavone: 'House Vote an Endorsement for Child Killing'

“Make no mistake, those Members of Congress who voted to uphold the President’s veto also voted to endorse the killing of over 300,000 unborn babies a year by Planned Parenthood,” said Fr. Pavone. “When a business like Planned Parenthood aborts children in the womb, it doesn’t matter what else it does – any money added to its revenue stream is money that facilitates the taking of innocent life.”

NEW YORK – Fr. Frank Pavone today expressed dismay at the unsuccessful House vote to override President Obama’s veto of the bill to defund Planned Parenthood and repeal key sections of Obamacare.

“Make no mistake, those Members of Congress who voted to uphold the President’s veto also voted to endorse the killing of over 300,000 unborn babies a year by Planned Parenthood,” said Fr. Pavone. “When a business like Planned Parenthood aborts children in the womb, it doesn’t matter what else it does – any money added to its revenue stream is money that facilitates the taking of innocent life.”

The House voted 241 to 186 today in favor of H.R. 3762, which would have redirected federal Medicaid funding from Planned Parenthood to local community health centers that do not perform abortions. The favorable vote, however, fell short of the two-thirds majority needed to override President Obama’s veto of the measure.

“Today’s vote is disappointing, but not unexpected,” added Fr. Pavone. “My prayer is that this will be the last year that money is taken from taxpayers’ pockets and given to Planned Parenthood.”

Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit

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